Other Projects

We currently are running a couple of project that are almost at their implementation stage. Our 2017 committee are progressing very rapidly and we are hoping that by the end of the year, all of these will be run:

First Offenders Project

This project aims to work with first-offenders by giving them work experience, training and CV skills too help them get employed after they’ve done their time and to encourage a life-style that means they are less likely to re-offend.

Currently on the research phase we are investigating the reasons people offend and re-offend to find a solution that would reduce crime rates in Exeter. We are currently talking to a Guild project called Vegshare, to see whether we can work together to have first offenders gardening.

The Agape Collective

This project focuses on one of the most prominent social in Exeter: homelessness. We have been trying to identify the key reasons behind people becoming homeless and the demographics behind it. In addition to that we are looking and collaborating with charities that cater to the issue as well.

We have been in contact with the YMCA and other charities and are discussing potential enterprise projects that can be run to help reduce the issue of homelessness, primarily targeting ages 18-24.

Food Sustainability Project

Starting just as a theme in 2017 academic year, we have managed to split this into two potential projects regarding food sustainability in Exeter. We recognized the amount of food wastage and lack of recycling that students in particularly take part in and realized that it is mainly because of convenience for students. This led to discussions about creating an app that would not only encourage but aid students in finding the most convenient ways to recycle and minimize food waste.

Another project that is being researched locally is the concept of vertical farming. Some of our team members have visited other countries that have already implemented vertical farming to analyze the effectiveness and usefulness that vertical farming might have on Devon’s farms. Furthermore, the process of building our first vertical farm is currently being researched to find the most efficient way to build a vertical farm before we move to the implementation stage.